The Invisible Deck is one of the most amazing decks of cards that a mentalist or magician can own!
NOW AVAILABLE IN 100% PVC (plastic)… oh and it works like a charm!
Steve uses this deck in his opening routine at every single magic gig.
There are some new thoughts and adjustments to this deck so please be sure to read below to discover what these are.
This deck is professionally sprayed.
The “rough” is sprayed on one card only (of the pair) and is actually a light rubber film as apposed to a roughing spray.
This means that the deck is made to last! – Steve replaces his (elite) deck once a year.
However his Pro Edition Invisible Deck he has now been using daily for over a year and it still works as good as day one!!!
Sprayed only in the middle of each card… this means that when pressure is applied to the middle, each pair sticks together… Then, when you get to the right position, spread at either the top or bottom of the card and they will separate with ease.
Remember that this is a MARKED deck… this means you can be 100% sure that you’re turning over the correct card each and every time! That is essential for Steve’s routine where he is betting £100 on this 😉