
OLD Night Flight Deck – 100% Plastic

OLD Night Flight Deck – 100% Plastic


The Original PVC Night Flight Deck – BLUE BACK

SECONDS – Well Kind of, a few less features compared to our current Pro Edition.

This deck when launched sold for £35 (no mis-print) – Now you get to buy one for £7.50… please read all the details as to “why” below!



Out of stock


These decks have been opened and checked.


These are the very first edition… I basically found a box of them and am offering them at a bargain price simply to cover my costs.


Please note, The 10’s marking on this edition was an X – They have “bicycle” faces – The Red / Black marking exists but is more subtle – There are none of the amazing reveals that we have on the current version! I am totally realising now just how much this deck has improved over the years!!!


50% of this print run had a mistake… The marking on the 10 of diamonds was wrong. Sadly the factory made an error when compiling the print file.


A while ago I opened every single box and put aside the ones which have the CORRECT marking for that card. They are now SOLD OUT.

HOWEVER… Now I am selling off the ones which have the wrong marking… I am including a correctly printed 10 of Diamonds with each one of these decks… again though due to the factory using various different cutting machines, this card is like 0.2mm larger! It’s hardly noticeable… but I wanted to be fully transparent so that you know what you are getting!

These decks still function perfectly well.

There are approximately 40 of them left… once they are gone, they are GONE!


Stay Awesome

